by Mark | Mar 31, 2012 | Featured, The Human Side
It’s impossible to overestimate the importance of good vision. All CAD users need to take definite steps to preserve and protect their eyesight. One thing you can do to bring relief to your eyes is to follow the 20-20-20 rule…
by Mark | Jan 14, 2012 | Basics---Better, Featured, The Human Side, The Interface
A “key” part of the AutoCAD user’s hardware, and a vital part of the CAD interface, is the keyboard. The computer keyboard is, in many ways, an archaic piece of equipment. Look at it and you can almost imagine little steel levers coming down from the underside of each key, like in the antique Remington typewriters.
by Mark | Dec 7, 2011 | Featured, Settings and Options, The Human Side
AUGI, the AutoCAD User Group International, polled their members and developed a wish list for AutoCAD and several other Autodesk products. They presented their list to Autodesk. Here are the top ten AutoCAD wishes they presented. I think it’s interesting to...
by Mark | Nov 25, 2011 | The Human Side
Give yourself credit. As a CAD designer, you are using your eyes, mind, body, time, and energy to operate one of the most complex technological tools out there.
by Mark | Nov 24, 2011 | Featured, The Human Side
This site is not just about CAD tips per se; it will also have posts talking about the best ways to further your career as a CAD designer/artist in today’s fast-moving workplace of services. One of the first and most important steps in bringing more good things...