Appreciating CAD Drawings as Fine Art
Here’s a question for you: Can CAD drawings be seen and appreciated as fine art? That question rolled around my head as I was working on a desktop sculpture . . .
Here’s a question for you: Can CAD drawings be seen and appreciated as fine art? That question rolled around my head as I was working on a desktop sculpture . . .
At the Louvre in Paris, I was fascinated to see the impact made by I. M. Pei’s addition of a large glass pyramid in the main courtyard of the revered museum.
I’m Re-Posting this post from 2011, since it’s time to give thanks again, and we have much to be thankful for!
Japanese architect Shigeru Ban was awarded the prestigious Pritzger Prize in March of this year. This is the highest award bestowed in the worldwide architecture profession.
Every good drawing deserves a great title block. In some ways, the title block is more important than the drawing’s content . . .
For me, CAD is not just some software that I use for work. It’s also a great tool for understanding things and creating things.
The CAD to BIM transition is on the minds of many firms today, and it’s a tough challenge, whether your firm is large, small, or in between. Around the world, we’re in a time of major change in our digital design and documentation tools.
One of my favorite speed tips for CAD users who want to be more efficient is: Notice which actions you repeat . . .