The design elements of the IAe 33 Pulqui II

Are you into jet airplanes?

Tip 1042

I use CAD for all kinds of things.  For me, it’s not just some software that I use for work.  It’s also a great tool for understanding things and creating things.

For example, do you have a CAD drawing of your home?  The floor plan of the house or apartment you live in?  I have drawn a CAD plan of every place I’ve lived in for, well, as long as I’ve been using CAD, which is about 22 years.

Why do I do this?  Number one, it’s fun.  I truly enjoy it.  I enjoy seeing the relationship of the various parts of my home, represented to scale with fairly accurate measurements.

Section drawing with skylights

Section drawing with skylights

Number two, it’s very useful.  I use the plan when I’m “planning” (interesting word) to change something about my home.  Last week I installed two skylights in my den–with help from professionals.  Having a plan and section drawing of my den, showing the slope of the ceiling and roof, was invaluable for deciding where the openings would be placed to best distribute the light throughout the room.

When I replaced our kitchen countertops, I could do my own takeoffs and make a good ball-park estimate of the cost of the job using different materials.  Same with the carpet.

What does this have to do with building your CAD skills?  Simply this: You tend to get better at what you enjoy doing.

I know that if I associate CAD use with fun things, not just with work, I will enjoy using CAD more, and I will naturally get better at it over time.

Guitar on a custom wood stand

I designed and built this guitar stand for a V-shaped guitar

When you think of CAD, do you think of something that you have to do to collect a paycheck?  If that’s the case, and your career involves using CAD, I suggest you question that way of thinking.  It may be holding you back in your career, maybe even your life.

Custom designed guitar stand

Custom designed guitar stand

Look for opportunities to use CAD for fun, creative projects. What gets your creative juices flowing, that CAD might be useful in visualizing or designing?

I enjoy woodworking, and I’ve used CAD to help me design a guitar stand, shelf units to hold my CD collection, and kitchen cabinet end panels.

I’d love to hear the fun things you’ve used CAD for.  Leave me a comment in the box below.

Until next time . . .

Keep on CADDing!   🙂

Mark[spacer height=”20px”]

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