Sizing Text in CAD Dimensions
Text in AutoCAD dimensions can be puzzling. This post will cover some basic concepts and two different approaches to controlling the size of text in dimensions. . .
Text in AutoCAD dimensions can be puzzling. This post will cover some basic concepts and two different approaches to controlling the size of text in dimensions. . .
Disabling the Irksome F1 Key
Disabling the F1 key in AutoCAD avoids accidentally opening the Help feature when trying to hit the ESCAPE key, eliminating a common irritation. Here’s how to re-map the F1 key to a “harmless” function . . .
Raster images such as JPEGs and TIFFs can be imported into AutoCAD easily using the Attach tool in the Insert tab/ Reference panel. When you import an image file, it has a frame around it. This frame can be turned on or off . . .