Advanced Method to Clean a Corrupted CAD File
If you tried the basic DWG file cleaning procedure and you are still getting Audit errors or recurring items in the Purge list, go to the Advanced Super Cleaning Method below.
If you tried the basic DWG file cleaning procedure and you are still getting Audit errors or recurring items in the Purge list, go to the Advanced Super Cleaning Method below.
Many times you will receive an AutoCAD drawing file that is corrupted. Fortunately, cleaning a corrupted DWG file is usually easy.
Layout grids are a great way to organize your sheets in CAD. By using a layout grid, your sheets will look more professional and orderly, and you can prepare the drawings much more quickly.
Drawings are essentially a form of communication. A CAD professional should always be considerate of the person who will be reading his or her drawing, and make the drawing as legible as you can. Here are some general rules . . .
Polylines are your friends. If you make more use of them, and learn more of the tricks and features of using them, you will, I believe, come to appreciate their many advantages…
Using the Ray tool in CAD to create or check alignments between views has many advantages over using normal lines. One is the speed with which you can create a large number of rays. Another is the ease of erasing the rays after you’re done . . .
Repetitive CAD tasks can be carried out faster and more accurately if you have a system to apply to the work. What type of system works best? That depends on the task. Generally, a system works best when there are many similar or identical tasks that can be grouped together . . .
A common cause of lost speed in CAD is being mired in a complex, high-density drawing with so many objects crammed into so little work space that it’s hard to maneuver. In this tip, I will focus on one highly effective technique that I developed. I call it: The power of big even numbers. Here’s how it works . . .