Advanced Method to Clean a Corrupted CAD File
If you tried the basic DWG file cleaning procedure and you are still getting Audit errors or recurring items in the Purge list, go to the Advanced Super Cleaning Method below.
If you tried the basic DWG file cleaning procedure and you are still getting Audit errors or recurring items in the Purge list, go to the Advanced Super Cleaning Method below.
Many times you will receive an AutoCAD drawing file that is corrupted. Fortunately, cleaning a corrupted DWG file is usually easy.
Layout grids are a great way to organize your sheets in CAD. By using a layout grid, your sheets will look more professional and orderly, and you can prepare the drawings much more quickly.
It makes sense to create the drawing you’re working on with future editing in mind. Maybe the updating will be done by you, maybe by others. In either case, that editing will go quicker with a clean, well-organized drawing.
To simplify a complex CAD drawing, make your own special marks to help you navigate the various drawing parts. Here’s an example of how . . .
Polylines are your friends. If you make more use of them, and learn more of the tricks and features of using them, you will, I believe, come to appreciate their many advantages…
Disabling the Irksome F1 Key
Disabling the F1 key in AutoCAD avoids accidentally opening the Help feature when trying to hit the ESCAPE key, eliminating a common irritation. Here’s how to re-map the F1 key to a “harmless” function . . .
Using the Ray tool in CAD to create or check alignments between views has many advantages over using normal lines. One is the speed with which you can create a large number of rays. Another is the ease of erasing the rays after you’re done . . .