by Mark | Jul 1, 2012 | Basics---Better, Featured, Power Tools, Quality Control
Repetitive CAD tasks can be carried out faster and more accurately if you have a system to apply to the work. What type of system works best? That depends on the task. Generally, a system works best when there are many similar or identical tasks that can be grouped together . . .
by Mark | Jun 10, 2012 | Featured, Power Tools, Quality Control, The Human Side
A common cause of lost speed in CAD is being mired in a complex, high-density drawing with so many objects crammed into so little work space that it’s hard to maneuver. In this tip, I will focus on one highly effective technique that I developed. I call it: The power of big even numbers. Here’s how it works . . .
by Mark | Apr 15, 2012 | Featured, Power Tools, The Interface
A great time-saving AutoCAD tool that is under-appreciated is Quick Select. With this tool you can select all objects having a property that you specify, and the options for specifying that property are practically endless. Quick Select works on . . .
by Mark | Dec 4, 2011 | Basics---Better, Featured, Power Tools, The Interface
Tip 1003: Use the Wheel of Five to modify an object quickly. Without question, the greatest invention in the history of mankind is beer. Oh, I grant you that the wheel was also a fine invention, but the wheel does not go nearly as well with pizza. — Dave Barry...