CAD Tip 1040
This CAD Tip is Part 2 of Importing a 3D STEP file into AutoCAD and creating 3D views.
You can read Part 1 by clicking HERE.
This Part 2 post, like Part 1, has an accompanying video tutorial, which you can watch by scrolling down to the bottom of this post.
In this CAD tip we look at creating 2D views from a 3D object that we’ve imported into AutoCAD.
You’ll need to be sure you are in one of the 3D workspaces to begin this tutuorial.
First select the Front view. Go View > Views > Views > Front.
To create the 2D view (plan or elevation) we use a command called FLATSHOT. It is not necessary to select the 3D object. Just initiate the Flatshot command.
You can just type FLATSHOT into the command line, or if you are in a 3D workspace, in the ribbon go Home > Section > pull-down options > Flatshot. Here is the Flatshot dialog box:
In the FLATSHOT dialog box, I like to set the obscured lines (A.K.A. hidden lines) set to a different color than the Foreground lines. Hit the Create button.
The FLATSHOT command creates a single block containing all of the lines making up the 2D view. Use the EXPLODE command (CTRL-X) to explode the block.
Now I can use the Quick Select tool to separate the objects by color. Once they are separated, I can also put the “hidden” or “obscured” objects on a different layer if I want. I didn’t show this in the video, but it’s easy to simply select the red colored objects and change their layer state.
You can see how it’s all done on the video below.
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Keep on CADDing! 🙂
Great tutorial!